Câncer e Agrotóxicos 

Agrotóxicos e seus malefícios a longo prazo…isso motivou a reunião de especialistas na IARC (Agência Internacional de Pesquisa ao Câncer) a fazer uma revisão sobre o tema!

Como somos o país maior consumidor de agrotóxicos, é um assunto do interesse de todos!


Fonte: Revista Proteção número: 282, página 14


Trabalho Escravo! ZARA não cumpre acordo!

A grife Zara, que produz e vende roupas masculinas e femininas e pertence ao grupo espanhol Inditex, foi autuada pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) por descumprir o Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC) firmado em 2011 para corrigir condições degradantes que caracterizaram trabalho escravo na cadeia produtiva da empresa.

De acordo com a superintendência do órgão federal em São Paulo, uma auditoria com 67 fornecedores da marca mostrou 433 irregularidades em todo o país, como excesso da jornada de trabalho, atraso nos pagamentos, aumento dos acidentes, trabalho infantil, além de discriminação pela exclusão de imigrantes da produção, o que pode resultar em multa de mais de R$ 25 milhões.

Há quatro anos, a Zara foi autuada por manter 15 trabalhadores de nacionalidades bolivianos e peruanos em condição análogos à de escravo na atividade de costura. As oficinas subcontratadas pela marca receberam 52 autos de infração. Entre as irregularidades, foram constatadas jornada de trabalho excessiva, servidão por dívida e situação precária de higiene.

Na época, a empresa disse desconhecer esse tipo de exploração. Pelo TAC, assinado com o Ministério Público do Trabalho (MPT), a Zara deveria ter detectado e corrigido novas violações, por meio de auditoria interna, melhorando as condições gerais de trabalho na empresa.

O relatório mostra que mais de 7 mil trabalhadores foram prejudicados pelas irregularidades em fornecedoras da Zara. Entre eles, 46 empregados estavam sem registro em carteira, 23 empresas estavam em débito de Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS) e 22 tinham jornadas excessivas, irregulares ou fraudadas.

Em relação aos acidentes de trabalho, verificou-se um aumento de 73, em 2012, para 84 casos, no ano passado. A auditoria foi solicitada a partir da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) da Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo que investigou trabalho escravo. As fiscalizações ocorreram entre agosto de 2015 a abril deste ano.

Para o Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, a empresa não só continuou a cometer infrações à lei trabalhista como utilizou as informações da auditoria para excluir imigrantes da produção. 

“Utilizou-se das ferramentas de fiscalização de natureza privada para identificar fornecedores com risco potencial de exploração de trabalho análogo à de escravo, excluindo-os unilateralmente de sua cadeia produtiva, em vez de identificar situações reais de lesão aos direitos humanos, corrigi-las e comunicar às autoridades, de acordo com o que determinava o TAC”

Diz relatório da superintendência regional. 

Por conta da fiscalização, a empresa transferiu parte de sua produção para outros estados, como Santa Catarina.

Pelos cálculos do ministério, a empresa deve pagar R$ 25 milhões pelo descumprimento do acordo e R$ 850 mil pela atitude discriminatória. 

“Trabalhadores migrantes, notadamente de origem boliviana, foram excluídos de sua cadeia produtiva, razão pela qual a empresa foi autuada por restringir o acesso ao trabalho por motivos de origem e etnia do trabalhador”

Explica o relatório do órgão. A estimativa do MTE é que 157 imigrantes que trabalhavam em 35 oficinas foram desligados.

O relatório aponta ainda que cerca de 3,2 mil postos foram fechados em São Paulo por causa do deslocamento da produção da empresa para outros estados.

O ministério destacou ainda que a Zara foi omissa quando da contratação de uma oficina, onde se constatou trabalho escravo em novembro do ano passado. Foram flagrados 37 trabalhadores em situação degradante, que costuravam para as Lojas Renner.

 “A fiscalização constatou que, no período de 14 de agosto de 2013 a 23 de setembro de 2013, esse grupo de oficinas também havia produzido 8.450 peças de roupas da Zara”

Diz o documento. A grife espanhola, no entanto, apesar do acordo firmado com o MPT, não informou aos órgãos competentes as irregularidades deste fornecedor. A Zara não foi responsabilizada por causa da ausência do flagrante.

Em resposta à organização não governamental Repórter Brasil, que publicou reportagem sobre o caso, a Inditex informou que está contestando legalmente os autos de infração, pois considera que acusações infundadas e que não contêm fato específico que viole o TAC.

Em relação à prática discriminatória, a multinacional diz que não intervem no recrutamento dos empregados de companhias com as quais mantém relacionamento comercial. Acrescenta que a Zara é apenas um entre os vários clientes desses fornecedores e que a empresa representa menos de 15% da produção desses fabricantes.

Sobre o fornecedor que foi flagrado posteriormente empregando mão de obra escrava, a Inditex diz que ele foi submetido a auditoria interna e não foram constatadas situações de trabalho comparáveis a de escravidão. Para a empresa, contestar esse fato é colocar em dúvida companhias especializadas em autoria privada de “reconhecido prestígio internacional”.

As demais violações, como trabalho infantil e funcionários sem registro em carteira, são contestadas. Sobre jornadas excessivas e débitos de FGTS, alega que medidas corretivas foram adotadas.

Publicado por Âmbito Jurídico


“German Headline!” Most pilots with depression seek corporate disease

Most pilots suffering from depression disease hidden from companies and air authorities, according to a study released today (5) by German newspaper Bild. The problem came to light after the fall of the Germanwings plane, with 150 people aboard, on the last day 24, in the region of the French Alps.

The Copilot of the company, Andreas Lubitz’s, which would have deliberately brought down plane, which made the connection between Barcelona (Spain) and Dusseldorf (Germany), suffered from depression and, according to the ongoing investigation, did internet searches on suicide methods on the eve of the trip.

According to the study released by the Bild, the case of Andreas Lubitz’s is not unique among pilots, seeking to hide health problems from his superiors. The analysis, the Director of the Department of medicine at the International Civil Aviation Organization, Anthony Evans, dated November 2013, reveals the existence of serious deficits in the monitoring of mental health pilots.

According to the study, about 60 percent of riders who suffer some form of depression decide to keep flying without communicating to employers. Based on the analysis of 1,200 cases of pilots with depression, Evans’s work reveals that approximately 15% of professionals choose to treat themselves in secret with drugs that can by their own means, and only 25% declare to the employer who is getting treatment.

The study results from the observation of cases between 1997 and 2001, according to the Bild, which highlights the enormous pressure to which they are subjected pilots and the fact that a diagnosis of depression lead to his removal from the service.

German research on the Germanwings plane crash revealed that Lubitz’s did a few years ago, before receiving the pilot’s license, psychotherapeutic treatment for suicidal tendencies.

In the search to the CoPilot and parents was discovered that Andreas Lubitz’s was in treatment and that he had a medical certificate to the day of the disaster, which was not communicated to the company.

Source: Agência Brazil


This “headline” well biased leads me to many questions:
 • And the programs of prevention and early diagnosis mental health the health of workers in jobs exposed to unhealthy environment, danger and high risk?
 • These programs are carried out in practice?
 • Regular consultations are held with mental health professionals funded by company?  What are the preventive measures carried out by the companies?
• Will the company was limited to only enforce the laws?
• Will all study on mental health, we heard at conferences by national speakers and we read in expensive books, in practice represent mere fiction?

Now, to search the House of the deceased is comparable to act of a vulture sniffing carrion. One way to deflect the focus and direct all the blame to one person.

This accident is still very poorly understood.

Reviewed by Dr. Gustavo Coutinho Bacellar-occupational physician

EBOLA! Five U.S. health care workers complete Ebola monitoring

By Debra Goldschmidt and Steve Almasy, CNN

(CNN) Five Americans who were monitored for three weeks at an Omaha, Nebraska, hospital after being exposed to Ebola in West Africa have been released, a Nebraska Medicine spokesman said in an email Wednesday.

One of the five had a heart-related issue on Saturday and has been discharged but hasn’t left the area, Taylor Wilson wrote.The others have already gone home.

They were exposed to Ebola in Sierra Leone in March, but none developed the deadly virus.

They are clinicians for Partners in Health, a Boston-based aid group. They all had contact with a colleague who was diagnosed with the disease and is being treated at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. As of Monday, that health care worker is in fair condition.

Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta has said the last of 17 patients who were being monitored are expected to be released by Thursday. 

More than 10,000 people have died in a West African epidemic of Ebola that dates to December 2013, according to the World Health Organization. Almost all the deaths have been in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Ebola is spread by direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person.

Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/04/01/health/ebola-americans-monitoring/index.html

150 people died in plane Accidental France

An Airbus A320 of the German company Germanwings fell on Tuesday morning in southern France, killing 150 people (144 passengers and 6 crew members.

The plane was going from Barcelona (Spain) to Dusseldorf (Germany) and fell by steep so 8min

Were aboard 67 German, 45 Spanish and Turkish

The wreck is at 2,000 meters altitude in the Alps.

A black box was found. Accident causes are still unknown.

Source: G1

150 people died in plane Accidental France

An Airbus A320 of the German company Germanwings fell on Tuesday morning in southern France, killing 150 people (144 passengers and 6 crew members.

The plane was going from Barcelona (Spain) to Dusseldorf (Germany) and fell by steep so 8min

Were aboard 67 German, 45 Spanish and Turkish

The wreck is at 2,000 meters altitude in the Alps.

A black box was found. Accident causes are still unknown.

Source: G1

Queda da avião na França deixa 150 mortos

 Um Airbus A320 da companhia alemã Germanwings caiu na manhã desta terça no sul da França, matando 150 pessoas (144 passageiros e 6 tripulantes.

O avião ia de Barcelona (Espanha) a Düsseldorf (Alemanha) e caiu de modo íngreme por 8min

Estavam a bordo 67 alemães, 45 espanhóis e alguns turcos

Os destroços estão a 2.000 metros de altitude nos Alpes.

Uma caixa-preta foi achada. As causas do acidentes ainda são desconhecidas.

Fonte: G1 


Opportunity! Course of Occupational Management a distance

Distance learning course on Occupational Safety and Heath is a course promoted by the ILO.

Its main objective épromover knowledge and understanding of how to manage the Health and Occupational Security Service.

Hours: 500 hours

Link: http://www.ilo.org/safework/events/couraces/WCMS_229077/lang–en/índex.htm

Source: Journal Protection number 279, page 18, February 2015

Opportunity! Free worldwide event.

Nanotechnology and workers: thoughts, struggles and perspectives-March 18 in Sao Paulo.

In 2007, the Fundacentro began the debate on the impacts of nanotechnology on health of workers and the environment.

From there to here were various forms of institutional performance, contributing with lectures in national and international events, publications, comics, podcast and others.

Considered emerging technology, nanotechnology is considered an imminent risk and little is known about its effects on workers ‘ health and on the environment.

Used in research, development and innovation, nanotechnology is present in consumer products, such as clothes that don’t stain-resistant fabrics, kneading and water, camouflage clothing, cosmetics, creams, medicines, dental materials, lighter materials and more resistant than metals and plastics, to buildings, automobiles, airplanes.

To make a reflection after 10 years of operation, the Fundacentro coordinates on 26 March, in conjunction with the RENANOSOMA, (network of Nanotechnology research, society and the environment), the event.

Coordinated by the Nanotecnologia and workers: Reflections, Fights and Prospects – March 18 in Sao Paulo.

In 2007, Fundacentro began the discussion About The impacts of nanotechnology on the health of workers and no Environment. Since then there were various forms of institutional performance, contributing lectures at national and international events, publications, comics, podcast and others.

Considered emerging technology, nanotechnology is considered an imminent risk and little is known about its effects on workers’ health and the environment.

Used in research activities, development and innovation, nanotechnology is present in consumer products such as clothing that does not crumple, resistant fabrics stain and water, camouflage clothing, cosmetics, creams, medicines, dental materials, lighter materials and more resistant than metals and plastics, buildings, cars, airplanes.

To make a reflection after 10 years of operation, the Fundacentro coordinates on 26 March, together with the RENANOSOMA (Research Network in Nanotechnology, Society and Environment), the event.

Coordinated by the researcher Fundacentro, Arline Arcuri, will be present, Paulo Martins (coordinator of RENANOSOMA), Thomaz Jensen (DIEESE), Luiz Carlos de Oliveira (Metalworkers Union of São Paulo), Mauro Soares (Metalworkers Union of São Bernardo do Campo ), Gilberto Almazan (DIESAT).

It will be a discussion with consecutive transmission to Tunis, capital of Tunisia, a country that hosts the World Social Forum, where researchers will talk about the impacts and changes in the industry.

Mauricio Berger, a researcher at the University of Córdoba, participates in the World Social Forum of Science and Democracy and will be the mediator between the international event and Fundacentro.

The free event will be held in rooms 7 and 8 at the headquarters of Fundacentro in SP, the 8:0 at 1:0 pm with videoconference broadcast to other States where the entity has headquarters, as well as for external users who want to participate in the workshop. The conferences will be in Portuguese with consecutive translation into English.

The subject nanotechnology is part of the project on the impact of nanotechnology on the health of workers and the environment Fundacentro.

Join the debate at Renanosoma Web site: http://www.nanotecnologiadoavesso.org/webtv

or by video conference: http://conferencia.fundacentro.gov.br/scopia/entry/index.jsp?ID=6561&page=watch6561%2026032015

Registration: http://www.fundacentro.gov.br/cursos-e-eventos/inscricao-no-evento/551

Source: Fundacentro

Disclosed on the website of the ANAMT