Acidentes do trabalho fatais no Paraná

Trânsito é o principal causador de mortes em acidentes de trabalho no Paraná

O número de mortes em acidentes de trabalho no Paraná chama a atenção. No ano passado, segundo a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, foram 363 óbitos no trabalho no Estado. 

A maior parte por acidentes foram:

  1. Trânsito (185);
  2. Choque (24);
  3. Impacto de Objetos (21). 

As atividades que mais geraram óbito no Paraná foram:

  1. Motorista de caminhão (52);
  2. Trabalhador Volante na Agricultura (18);
  3. Pedreiro (17);
  4.  Empregado doméstico (16),
  5. Eletricista de Instalações (15) e
  6. Alimentador de linha de produção (8).

Os dados foram apresentados pelo Ministério Público do Trabalho do Paraná (MPT-PR), que também trouxe dados do Anuário Estatístico da Previdência Social 2013, lançado nesse ano, que mostra o Paraná como o terceiro Estado em mortes em acidentes de trabalho no País, atrás apenas de São Paulo e Minas Gerais.

O Brasil registrou, em 2013, 717.911 acidentes de trabalho, dos quais 14.837 resultaram em incapacidade permanente e 2.797 em óbito. 

O Paraná, por sua vez, registrou 53.132 acidentes, dos quais 1.353 resultaram em incapacidade permanente e 270 em óbitos – números que colocam o estado em quinto lugar no número de acidentes (atrás apenas de São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul).

A procuradora do Trabalho Ana Lucia Barranco, coordenadora do Fórum de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente de Trabalho do Estado do Paraná (FPMAT-PR), ressalta que o principal obstáculo na redução dos acidentes de trabalho é a falta de investimento em prevenção.

“Não é algo que, em si, custa barato, investir em máquinas apropriadas, comprar bons equipamentos de proteção, mantendo-os sempre novos e em condições de uso. Mas é um retorno garantido”, afirma Ana Lucia”.

Fonte: Revista Proteção

150 people died in plane Accidental France

An Airbus A320 of the German company Germanwings fell on Tuesday morning in southern France, killing 150 people (144 passengers and 6 crew members.

The plane was going from Barcelona (Spain) to Dusseldorf (Germany) and fell by steep so 8min

Were aboard 67 German, 45 Spanish and Turkish

The wreck is at 2,000 meters altitude in the Alps.

A black box was found. Accident causes are still unknown.

Source: G1

150 people died in plane Accidental France

An Airbus A320 of the German company Germanwings fell on Tuesday morning in southern France, killing 150 people (144 passengers and 6 crew members.

The plane was going from Barcelona (Spain) to Dusseldorf (Germany) and fell by steep so 8min

Were aboard 67 German, 45 Spanish and Turkish

The wreck is at 2,000 meters altitude in the Alps.

A black box was found. Accident causes are still unknown.

Source: G1

Queda da avião na França deixa 150 mortos

 Um Airbus A320 da companhia alemã Germanwings caiu na manhã desta terça no sul da França, matando 150 pessoas (144 passageiros e 6 tripulantes.

O avião ia de Barcelona (Espanha) a Düsseldorf (Alemanha) e caiu de modo íngreme por 8min

Estavam a bordo 67 alemães, 45 espanhóis e alguns turcos

Os destroços estão a 2.000 metros de altitude nos Alpes.

Uma caixa-preta foi achada. As causas do acidentes ainda são desconhecidas.

Fonte: G1 


911 Truth! American heroes patients!

NEW YORK, New York (CNN) — Nearly three out of every four workers who participated in rescue and recovery efforts at the site of the collapsed World Trade Center towers have experienced some health problems, a federally funded study found.

The study, conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and Mount Sinai Hospital, was based on the screenings of 3,500 workers at Ground Zero and the Staten Island landfill, where tons of debris was trucked after the attacks.

The preliminary results, based on 250 of the first screenings, suggest lingering health issues for a majority of the workers, and for many, a delayed diagnosis.

“Seventy-three percent of the sample had ear, nose and throat symptoms, or abnormal ear, nose and throat physical exam findings, or both”

Said Dr. Robin Herbert, co-director of the screening program.

Herbert said 57 percent of those tested had lung problems and 20 percent had symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

An estimated 35,000 workers — who responded from all across the country after the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil

— were exposed to concrete dust that may have contained asbestos, lead, fiberglass and other particles released when the twin towers collapsed after being hit by two hijacked aircraft. All are eligible for the free and confidential exams, which end in July.

“This particular screening program is very unique. Never before has an occupational medical screening program involving as many workers as are involved in this program been launched”

Said Dr. John Howard, director of NIOSH.

One of those who participated in the medical study is Frank Greer, a sheet metal worker, who said the privilege of serving in recovery efforts came at a huge price.

“I’m really worried about my kids and the future. I want to be there to take care of them,”

Greer said.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-New York, helped obtain the program’s initial $12 million in funding.


“This is an American priority, to take care of these brave men and women” Clinton said.

The senator said she is seeking an additional $90 million so that Ground Zero workers can be screened and treated. At present, those screened receive diagnostic evaluations and a referral, but no treatment reimbursement.

“I would even hope the president would address this issue in his State of the Union address”

Clinton said.

“I can’t imagine anything better than having the president of the United States saying, ‘We stand with our own.’ Just like in the military, we don’t leave anybody behind in our homeland either”

She added.

Source: CNN

Pesticides toxiques : Annulation de la condamnation de l’Etat à indemniser un agriculteur

La Cour de cassation a annulé, vendredi 6 mars, la condamnation de l’Etat à indemniser un agriculteur atteint d’un cancer provoqué par des substances toxiques contenues dans des pesticides et herbicides.

Elle a renvoyé le litige devant la cour d’appel de Metz, a expliqué l’avocat de la victime, à une date non encore déterminée.

Dominique Marchal, céréalier en Meurthe-et-Moselle, a développé en 2002 un syndrome myéloprolifératif, une pathologie du sang reconnue comme maladie professionnelle en 2006 par le tribunal des affaires de sécurité sociale d’Epinal.

L’Etat, à travers son fonds de garantie, avait été condamné en avril 2012 par la commission d’indemnisation des victimes d’infractions d’Epinal à dédommager l’agriculteur.

La décision avait été confirmée l’année suivante par la cour d’appel de Nancy, qui soulignait les fautes des fabricants de produits phytosanitaires. L’avocat du plaignant, François Lafforgue, avait à l’époque expliqué qu’il s’agissait de la première condamnation de ce type en France.

Mais, saisie d’un pourvoi formé l’Etat, la Cour de cassation a annulé la décision en considérant la nouvelle réglementation réputée « plus douce », après l’abrogation en 2001 de certaines dispositions concernant les produits phytosanitaires, devait s’appliquer, y compris aux faits antérieurs à l’évolution législative.
« Intérêts des fabricants de pesticides »

« C’est un argument qui nous paraît biaisé. Cette décision s’inscrit dans un cadre plus général de protection des intérêts des fabricants de pesticides, au détriment de la santé publique »

 Déploré Me Lafforgue.

En première instance, les juges avaient estimé que

« dès 1982 les fabricants de produits phytopharmacologiques ne pouvaient ignorer que leurs produits contenant du benzène exposaient leurs utilisateurs au risque grave de contracter ce type de maladie ».

Une vingtaine de produits, principalement des herbicides et pesticides, commercialisés par sept fabricants, contenaient notamment du benzène, reconnu cancérigène.


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